
On the location of Astor Park Green Bay, Wisconsin, you walk in the footsteps of history.

Native peoples, explorers, Jesuits, fur trappers, as well as immigrants, railroad families, paper makers, industrialists, bankers and politicians have benefited from and contributed to the vibrant community that was and is Astor Park. The history of the home parallels the forces that shaped Astor, and its successor, the city of Green Bay. Just yards from this location, families such as of Grignon, Joannes, and Straubel lived and thrived.

Briefly, Ellen Dean Tyler, daughter of Charles R. and Elizabeth (Cotton) Tyler, and Walter Gueinzuis married. The couple contracted for the construction of the large Queen Anne at 804 South Madison, as well as having two children, John and Elizabeth. 

Circa 1920, Ellen and Walter Guenzuis erected this two story stuccoed duplex home, with its hipped roof and distinctive arched front entrance, for their daughter Elizabeth, at the time of Elizabeth’s marriage to Charles Simpson. The Guenzuis family members owned the property until 1980. Continuing the story of connection of these two Astor landmarks, the Falks and their children resided at 804 South Madison beginning in 1968.  Dr. and Mrs. Manuel (Jim) Falk purchased Astor Flat in 1980. Jim and Gwen Falk, their adult children, and their families have lived here, specifically Dr. and Mrs. Peter Falk and family. 

The present owners purchased the home in 2004 and also live in Astor. 

Sources: The Astor Historic District Its History and House, and personal experience of present owners. 

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